Saturday, August 02, 2008

Port Louis Harbor Front

The Harbor front is near Caudan water front, its also a place to have some nice shopping in VIP Shop and if you want to have a quick meal, Some nice Restaurant is at your of them is the famous Mc Donald and KFC!!


Rapid Development in all domain has started in the early year 1970 of Mauritius, export of sugar, textile and tobacco and investment tourism make it one of the best Island in Indian Ocean.

Mahe de la Bourdonnais

Here is the statue of the French Governor Mahe de la Bourdonnais, situated in the center of Capital of MAURITIUS in Port Louis.He was the first to bring development in Mauritius, the harbour was build and Port Louis became the capital of Mauritius. Sugarcane was the main part of Mauritius and the export of sugar and Rum started in these year and still after 290 years having a good export all over the world!!

Plate on Mahe de la Labourdonnais Statue

Here is the plate on Maha de la Bourdonnais statue on which there is the details.....


Here is a brief history of MAURITIUS ISLAND so call (Isle de France) in year 1715...The first who visit it was the Europeans then the Portuguese in about 1510 and some 70 year later it was settled by the DUTCH in I think in year 1600 and then it was named MAURITIUS after the prince Maurice of Nassau!! We call MAURITIUS in french as ILE MAURICE as the name of the prince Maurice. At that time Mauritius was a tropical forest with all the wild life and the wonderful big DODO a big bird who can't fly but was very prefered because of its nice meat!!I will try to get a nice photo of this extinct bird from the National Museum of Mauritius!