Saturday, November 22, 2008

Nenuphar Aquatic Pond

This is a very popular pond at Pamplemouses Graden,..(SSR Garden)..its the famous NENUPHAR Aquatic Plant also call the Victoria Amazonica, these plants are very special in the garden, with its large colourful blow like leaf shapes and an amazing flower like the LOTUS...will surely attract your eye...and as me you will say WOOOW after looking at it..., This plant is an annual tropical plant and grows very well during the summer season with an average temperature of 30 C, so better to have a visit in the summer..So that was a little on this amazing aquctic plant...and keep watching there is a lot of other posts on the SSR Garden coming next week....bye take care

Friday, November 21, 2008

Colonial House

This is very old Colonial house at the Pamplemouses garden, it is known as Chateau de Mon Plaisir..(My Pleasure).This was build in the year when Mahe de Labourdonnais was the Governer of Mauritius Island...Its a must to have a visit to this beautiful house, its is now maintain by the Botanical Garden member...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Spider Collection

As the Scorpions the SPIDER also are in the same family the Arthropods, some are venomous, Spider are very famous in many movies and Novels , there are about 40,000 species of spider in this world some can found in MAURITIUS ISLAND also,.....they are good architec for building nice web.....( Not website of course), so that was a tour at the La vanille Crocodile Park, Hope you have enjoy the tour with me, so see you soon for new post, keep wactching...bye

Scorpion Collection

These are very dangerous Arthropods, legend says that the smallest the Scorpion is the most dangerous it is!! But they most the time harmless!! Many people use the sign of scorpion as mean of power and bad mind, All scorpion species possess venom. In general, scorpion venom is described as neurotoxic in nature....

Butterfly Collection

After having these tour outside the La Vanille Park now we a visit inside it,....A large varity of Insects collection like the Scarabaeidae and lots of Butterflies can be found for the eye pleasure and for the general IQ also, you could never imagine how much varity of insects there was in Mauritius, a must to see from small to some of the biggest in the world can be found in the same place, these raindow of coloured butterfly and strange kind of insect thats rule these Island of Indian Ocean.....


Some other Information on this amazing creature, with its tongue they can catch an insect from 8 -10 cms distance and they have very good Eye sight. They can measure about 27 '' when they are adults. They can change there colour depending on the situation and its surounding!!

Big Lizard or Chameleon

Big Lizard or Chameleon as you wish,..are very popular in Mauritius and some people use them as Pet and live freely in there garden, well they seem very dangerous but they can help you reduce Flies and Mosquitoes in your Garden (lol:), always very colorful and attractive by its bright green and yellow color and long tail.....these lizard are a very nice attraction in such nature parks and surely humans are always a fan of these creature and of course you can see them at La Vanilla Crocodile park....

Exotic Flower

This is another Exotic flower at La Vanille Crocodile Park, these are big and very colourful flower....well after a long rest am posting again and these photos have taken by my friend Liesl Smit from South Africa...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Casela Bird Park.

Casela Bird Park... Bird park near Flic en Flac in the East coast of Black River district..very famous in the island and the Indian Ocean...the main attraction is bird, some 50 species of bird and wild animal. A new attraction is setup now and my friend Liesl Smit have try it out, the lions! For Liesl, Mauritius is nice place to live and work..The bird picture will come soon..keep on watching.:)

La Vanille Corcodile Park

La Vaille Crocodile Park...Very beautiful nature park with many attractions, mostly Animals and Plants!!As the name of this Nature park, the main attraction is the Crocodile, they are from African andother Indian Ocean countries. You may also find many different species of endemic plants and many species of animal, insect and fish.

Crocodile park is also a very nice place to have a visit with Children for educational tour or just a simple visit with familly and friends, its near the famous Coastal village of Souillac and beach of GRIS GRIS in the south of the Island.

DODO Extinct

DODO..the extinct big bird of Mauritius, very famous Worldwide in History, Story and even in kids cartoon, in early days of Mauritius history the DODO was hunted because of its nice meat,as it couldn't fly and was very big it was very easy to catch...very bad that its extinct now, but we still have the statue..many artists and craftmans use the dodo as a key part of there work and can see this statue of DODO at Crocodile park... :)


Another member of this Nature Park is the BIG Tortoise, Big and lazy, brown colour they are also an attraction of this park...these Tortoise can live up to 80 years and can weight app. 300 kgs, kids and adult love to have a ride on this was a little on Crocodile park and these picture was taken by a friend, Liesl Smit from South Africa...

Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Statue

Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam also known as SSR, born in Kewal Nagar Mauritius on the 18 September 1900 and became the first Prime Minister of Mauritius in 1961, He led the Island to its Independence from the United Kingdom in 1968, SSR is well known in many Countries as he was known as the father of the Nation, he also put Mauritius in the political and economic stability...long live SSR.......

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Caudan Water Front

This is the main point of Caudan Water Front in Port Louis, as you can see this nice Architecture of these Restaurants and a large space in front for cultural programs, many bollywood films have been shot here because of nice layout and of course some travel agents, banks, shopping malls, cinemas, hotels and food courts offer there service to general public and tourists, so Caudan is a must if you are having a visit in MAURITIUS...Am closing my posts on Port Louis and its surrounding now, hope you have enjoy can send me comments or just leave a message on my web message widget on any of my post or what you want to see on MAURITIUS would a pleasure to post thing that you want...

Caudan Water Front

This is a Photo taken from the other end of the Harbor, its a very beautiful view of these magnificent building and the Labourdonnais Hotel.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Port Louis Harbor Front

The Harbor front is near Caudan water front, its also a place to have some nice shopping in VIP Shop and if you want to have a quick meal, Some nice Restaurant is at your of them is the famous Mc Donald and KFC!!


Rapid Development in all domain has started in the early year 1970 of Mauritius, export of sugar, textile and tobacco and investment tourism make it one of the best Island in Indian Ocean.

Mahe de la Bourdonnais

Here is the statue of the French Governor Mahe de la Bourdonnais, situated in the center of Capital of MAURITIUS in Port Louis.He was the first to bring development in Mauritius, the harbour was build and Port Louis became the capital of Mauritius. Sugarcane was the main part of Mauritius and the export of sugar and Rum started in these year and still after 290 years having a good export all over the world!!

Plate on Mahe de la Labourdonnais Statue

Here is the plate on Maha de la Bourdonnais statue on which there is the details.....


Here is a brief history of MAURITIUS ISLAND so call (Isle de France) in year 1715...The first who visit it was the Europeans then the Portuguese in about 1510 and some 70 year later it was settled by the DUTCH in I think in year 1600 and then it was named MAURITIUS after the prince Maurice of Nassau!! We call MAURITIUS in french as ILE MAURICE as the name of the prince Maurice. At that time Mauritius was a tropical forest with all the wild life and the wonderful big DODO a big bird who can't fly but was very prefered because of its nice meat!!I will try to get a nice photo of this extinct bird from the National Museum of Mauritius!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Le Caudan Waterfront

Shopping Shopping Shopping, ladies and gentleman this place is the best for spending your money, all kind of shop here from international brand and local artist painting! You have all kind Banks, food courts, cinemas, boating, craft markets, hotels and many more.

The Casino Le Caudan

The CASINO of Caudan Waterfront, one of the biggest and famous casino of Mauritius, with it ancient ship model, a very good attraction for tourists and local people, it have all the facilities of an International standard of playing Casino games with the great JACKPOT!!

HQ Unknown Flower

This is a very beautiful flower in Mauritius, I have took this photo by my mobile its a Nokia N73...and 90 % of my BLOG photos have been taken by phone camera.Very nice !!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


This is The Air Mauritius Tower, where you can get all kinds of shops, office and of course the Air MAURITIUS HEAD OFFICE, where you can do shopping and do all you travel and voyage works.This Building have a helipad on its top for VIP customers who come for business or vacation tours. Its located in the center of Port Louis.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


STATE BANK is one of the Biggest and most popular bank of Mauritius, Its head office is in Port louis and have many local branch in the villages and towns.Here is one of our tallest Building of Mauritius!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Beach at Palmar

Parasailing also is very popular in Mauritius and we can find it in the most of Hotels, organised by hoteland other small boat houses,its a very good sport and having fun also. At palmar you can find some villas also and
can be rented for small amount of money.

Beach at Palmar

Another nice beach of Mauritius, its at Palmar village. Palmar is a small village but rich in tourist activities,many luxury hotels have settle in this region, its a little windy and cool in winter but very nice in summer.Surfersare very happy with these condition and they most like to surf in the south part of Mauritius, Surfing is becominga national event in Mauritius now!!


Great Tropical fruit, the famous Mauritian coconuts, with its sweet water inside, its a Holy water.Coconuts are very common in Mauritius, we can find it everywhere on beach and local town or villages, but very hard to get it, unless you just buy it!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

New Hibiscus Colour

This is a new Textured Colours of Hibiscus found in local garden of Mauritius, these Hibiscus are very beautiful in a sunny days.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Some Tourists with the GIANT LORD SHIVA Statue, well I have ask them the permission to publish there photo on blog and they was very happy of having there photo on my blog...they are from Italy.


This Giant LORD SHIVA Statue is most attractive place in Grand Bassin, its about 200 feets high and its on the entrance of Grand Bassin. This statue was
build in 2006 and was complete in 2007 by the collaboration of Indian Architect, this is the second biggest statue of lord SHIVA in the world.

Grand Bassin

Grand Bassin is a holy place for Hindou where you can find all the Hindou Gods,..legend says that Grand Bassin was blessed by th Holy water of river "GANGA" in India....since the late history of Maurtius Grand Bassin is a place of Pilgrim for the Maha Shivratree...

Tamil Temple at Tokee 3

Another Colourful and nice Sturcture of this Temple. Tourists are very common on these kind of place!!

Tamil Temple at Tokee 2

Tamil Temples are paint and decorate by professional Artist Painters from the South of India and the community of our Tamil Brothers and sisters are the origin of South India...Hindous also come in great mass for Prayer and of course Tamils and Hindous are from the same Family.

Tamil Temple at Tokee

This is Tokee Tamil Temple, All Tamil Temples have one common thing, that they are very Colourful and very complicate Strutures, devote come from all over Mauritius and other countries, mostly from India.


"AML" Air port of Mauritius is a modern airport with all facilities for travellers, Duty free shop, Food courts, Shops, Taxi Stand and Many more.